A house bought by Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) 05-11-1872, he was living here with his family and operating his trade since the mid of 1873; before the beginning of 1873, Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917)‘s family, Gustav Mahler’s music teacher, was living here.

The house was bought by Bernard Mahler in 1872 (from widow Anna Fischer-Proksch (1793-1874), mother of Mahlers music teacher Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917)). Anna Proksch and her son Heinrich moved to House Heinrich Fischer 1874 and thereafter (Palackeho street Nos. 13/1231, Breitegasse No. 423). The Mahler family lived in the house untill 1889. In the courtyard was Bernard Mahler´s distillery and a barn as a stable. Here stayed staid the maids.

According to Theodor Fischer (1859-1934), the maid read aloud fairy tales to Gustav Mahler in the attic, such as Das klagende Lied.

Znojemská (Street) No 6.

In this house lived:

Only 5 persons left this location alive: Gustav, Leopoldine, Alois, Justine, Otto and Emma Mahler.

The house which Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) bought from the Fischer family in 1872. The combined complex served both as family’s home and as a distillery and tavern. The family lived here untill 1889.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). House Nos. 264 and 265.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264)

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Entrance.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Stairs 1.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Stairs 2.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Inner courtyard.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Inner courtyard.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Kitchen stove design.

Jihlava. 1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava – Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264). Kitchen stove tile.

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