Chronology: Year 1899 Location: Neues Opernhaus Nature: Sixth subscription concert Program: Beethoven, Mahler, Haydn, Beethoven Composition Mahler Symphony No. 1 - In 4 ...
Chronology: Year 1903 Location: Neues Opernhaus Nature: Third subscription concert: commemorating the centenary of Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) Program: Mahler Composition Mahler: Symphony No ...
1903 Hotel Imperial
30-11-1903 until 02-12-1903. Year 1903. 30-11-1903 Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). Year 1903. 01-12-1903 Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). Hotel Imperial. Hotel ...
1907 Concert Frankfurt am Main 18-01-1907 - Symphony No. 4
Chronology: Year 1907 Location: Saalbau Nature: The seventh friday concert of the Museumsgesellschaft Program: Beethoven, Mahler, Schumann Composition Mahler: Symphony No. 4 ...
Year 1907. 15-01-1907 Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). Year 1907. 16-01-1907 Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). More on Hotel Imperial in 1903 Hotel ...
Café Goethe-Eck
Year 1903. 01-12-1903. Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). Year 1903. 02-12-1903. Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). "This is my last letter from ...
City of Frankfurt am Main
Frankonovurd (in old high German) or Vadum Francorum (in Latin) were the first names mentioned in written records from 794 ...
Year 1907. 1907 Concert Frankfurt am Main 18-01-1907 - Symphony No. 4. In 1808 Frankfurter Bürger founded the museum, a ...
Neues Opernhaus
1,900 seats. Year 1899. Year 1903. Performances  1899 Concert Frankfurt am Main 08-03-1899 - Symphony No. 1. 1903 Concert Frankfurt ...
Year 1907. 2,000 seats (big hall). 1907 Concert Frankfurt am Main 18-01-1907 - Symphony No. 4. After 1848, the Museum ...
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