An Around-the-World Performance of Mahler’s Eighth Symphony

Saturday, November 6th, 2021

  • Mark Strachan, founder of the Choir of the Earth
  • John Warner, Founder and Conductor of Orchestra for the Earth
  • Brenda Pruitt, Chorister
  • Ellie Blamires, Flutist
  • Arturo Gómez Poulat, Executive Director of Sociedad Mahler

Imagine Mahler’s Eighth Symphony performed by musicians around the world: orchestra, soloists, and choirs all brought together virtually. Can it be done?!

From the artistic talent, technicians, and organizers that brought us Mahler’s Second Symphony last year, we are in for an even bigger musical treat in the coming months!

We will be speaking with Mark Strachan, founder of The Self-Isolation Choir, to hear how this enormous project came about and why this group has renamed itself Choir of the Earth.
John Warner, will share his thoughts about this enormous undertaking and explain how it will be put together.

We will look at how instruction is provided to the choir members, how backing tracks are created to keep everything aligned and listen as some of these components are put together.
Performers involved in the project will reflect on what is like to collaborate on such a broad scale while at the same time recording their contributions on their own.

We will also hear from the Mahler Conservatory of Irapuato, Mexico which is providing the voices for the children’s choir.

Join us for this “making of” presentation of a unique production you will not want to miss!

Hosted by Morten Solvik

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